5th March 1998
London Symphony Orchestra, Rostropovich
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On the 5th March members of the BBCM met at the Barbican to hear Shostakovich's 7th symphony, the 'Leningrad' conducted by Rostropovich and played by the London Symphony Orchestra.

It was hoped that this would prove an interesting concert, not only due to Rostropovich as conductor, but also to a pre-concert talk on the symphony by Richard McNicol. Unfortunately the talk was very disappointing, uninformative and patronising. Nothing was said regarding historical context or musical structure. Mr. McNicol seemed to aim his talk at the musically ignorant telling us at one point that the violin section should sound like a single "mile wide violin".

By contrast the orchestral performance was notable, not only due to the high quality of orchestral playing, but Rostropovich's expressive and purposeful conducting gave meaning to the Symphony and the interpretation given by Rostropovich is perhaps the closest we can come to Shostakovich's own intentions.

It was certainly a performance worth attending.

Kirsty Hugill, BA Honours
Adult Class